
My first quiche – perfect dough, with spinach, mozarella and leek

I have to say that I’m not a big fan of baking. But I discovered the perfect recipe for the dough and I can now admit that baking during cold weekends is my new passion! The trick is: you need a kitchen scale and a good oven. No previous experience required!


Step 1: the dough

This is also a great pizza dough!

  • 200 gr spelt flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 125 gr Skyr/creamy yoghurt/ [insert English word for Quark here]
  • 50 ml milk
  • 50 ml liquid cream
  • 3 spoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • some butter/olive oil for greasing the mould

No rocket science – you just mix everything together with your hand or food processor until your have a nonstick dough. Depending on your ingredients, you may need to add 2-3 spoons of flour. Keep the floor close to you at the end to finish up the dough. Grease a round mould and shape the dough into it – I don’t own a rolling pin (as I said, not a bake enthusiast) so I am just using my bare hands and it  works just fine. Tip: an empty bottle of wine can be succesfully used as a rolling pin if you feel a little clumsy with bare hands. When you’re done with this, let it sit and get to the next step.

At this point you might want to preheat your oven – turn it on at 180°C.


Step 2: the mixture – the veggie (p)art!

  • fresh spinach about 200 gr
  • 1 leek
  • some mushrooms – about 100 gr , diced (champignons or pleurotus)
  • half of a medium aubergine, diced
  • 1 carrot
  • olive oil
  • mozzarella di bufala (tiny mozarellas made out of buffalo milk, the most important ingredient)
  • salt and pepper
  • nutmeg

Cut the leek in rings and mix all the veggies with olive oil in a pan, cook at a low temperature (you just want to get them a little soft and also you want them to shrink a bit so that everything fits on your dough). Add salt, pepper and nutmeg towards the end.

Arrange the mixture on the dough and now the fun part – put the mini mozzarella di bufala on the mixture and try not to eat them! I’m telling you, this is tough! Last time, I managed to eat only one 🙂

Let it sit while you prepare the last step.


Step 3: The topping

You need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 80 ml milk
  • some fresh parsley, chopped

Whisk everything together and pour the liquid resulted on your quiche.

Put in the oven for 30 minutes at 180ºC. The beautiful, round mozzarellas will melt, at the end you may add fresh basil leaves like I did. They look really good and give a fresh taste.

Enjoy while warm.


The best quiche that warms these cold days of Berlin 🙂

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